Saturday, April 02, 2005

Creationism - CreationWiki

There is a whole wiki devoted to creatonism. Who would have thought?

I guess there are two types of creationism. I had come up against the young earth terminology before, but I never new what it meant. This is a fairly straightforward distinction and clears up a lot of what I was confused about. I was never quite sure why someone could be denied the title creationist if they believed the Big Bang was an act of creation. According to this distinction, that could fall under "Old Earth" creationism. My guess is that this is a term mostly used by the "Young Earth" creationists.

Creationism - CreationWiki: " There are two broad perspectives of creationism known as young earth, and old-earth.

* The Young earth creationism (YEC) perspective results from a literal interpretation of the history of the early earth in Genesis, and the Islamic Qur'an, which both contain nearly parallel accounts of a six-day creation, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, and Noah's flood.

* The Old earth creationism (OEC) perspective accepts the secular scientific community's assessment of the age of the earth and universe, and assumes the creation periods were undefined lengths of time or there were large gaps of history in Genesis"


Blogger Michael C. Habib said...

Also seem to be distinguished as literal vs. metaphorical and as "Quick Creation" vs. "Gradual Creation"

5/08/2005 6:14 PM  

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